Crean parches de bacon para ayudar a todos los que quieran volverse veganos

Rodrigo Díaz

Patricia Imaz ha traído una curiosa noticia desde la Universidad de Oxford, donde un investigador ha tenido la solución perfecta para quienes se resisten a ser vegetarianos o veganos.




Tan sencillo -o no- como crear parches de bacon que consiguen engañar tu cerebro y que te de la sensación, gracias al olor que desprende, de que sigues comiendo esta carne.


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We know cutting down your meat consumption is hard. But cutting it out altogether? ⁠ ⁠ That’s seriously hard – in fact, 56% of people who have tried have failed in the first four to five weeks. So, to help you get through these tough last weeks of January, we’ve created the world’s first scratch and sniff meat patch. Just stick it on your arm and give it a rub to release a sizzlingly delicious bacon aroma any time you’re feeling in need of a meat-hit. Don’t just take our word for it – @tommytntfury’s a fan too 💪 Our ➕ Veganuary Response Vehicle 🚑 will be touring the country for three weeks across 7 cities with all the Strong Roots products you need to beat the Veganuary slump, including a limited number of these little meat patch heroes. ⁠ ⁠ Check out our Stories to find out where the ➕ VRV 🚑 will be popping up next! ⁠ ⁠ #STRONGROOTS #YourPlantBasedFriend #MeatPatch #Veganuary

Una publicación compartida de STRONG ROOTS UK (@strongrootsuk) el

Mediante unas vibraciones al cerebro, podrás respetar los principios del veganismo mientras piensas que te estás tomando una deliciosa hamburguesa -de tofu- con tiras y tiras de bacon. ¿Te parece buena idea?

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